blogging about daily life from Griffin, Georgia

thanksgiving (11.25.11)

Category: Personal | Comments (0) | Valerie @ January 13th, 2012   

A few years ago me, Cec, Matt and Dan all went to see Dane Cook (comedian) perform in Atlanta. Several of his skits we had heard before on his DVDs that we owned, but many were new and there was one in particular that he did at the end of the show that stuck with it. He was talking about his mother (who had recently passed away) and Thanksgivings at their home. He said that every year his mother would call him and his brothers and ask them to come home for the holidays. Some would do it willingly, some out of guilt. Each year they would arrive and his mother would go on and on about how thankful she was to have them there and how ALL she wanted was for them to relax and she would cook them food. She was just thankful to have them there in the house and that’s all that mattered. But then Thanksgiving day would come and they would all be awakened by the sound of pots and pans crashing and the voice of their mother? yelling, “GET YOUR LAZY ASSES OUT OF THE BED. I HAVE BEEN SLAVING AWAY IN THIS KITCHEN COOKING FOR YOU WHILE Y’ALL ARE DOING NOTHING AND I AM TIRED!”

Can everyone relate to this? Because when we heard it that night Cecilia and I started rolling because it sounded all too familiar to us. Tell me, is there a family out there whose holiday get-together ISN’T stressful?

The holidays are stressful. There. I said it. Deciding on the food, making the food, deciding on who’s house, then getting that house ready. And then of course you have the family. You know, the whole reason to celebrate the holiday. The family.

I know, I know. I get it. People come and people go. Especially when there are spouses whose families DON’T live in Griffin, then you have to learn to SHARE your family. And even with the people who are IN town, we now have to wonder if they will show. Anyway, I digress.

For me, Thanksgiving becomes meaningful when everyone finally sits down together…as a family. All of the stuff that lead up to that moment doesn’t matter anymore. You’re finally able to sit there, look around at the people you love and be thankful for their presence. I love my family and what everyone brings to the table.

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