This past Friday, September 22nd was my 30th birthday. As I sit here tonight, I think back over the last 30 years and everything I’ve accomplished. To be quite honest, for the past few years I have kind of dreaded this birthday. I thought 30 sounded so old! But, now that it’s here I don’t feel like that at all! In fact, I guess I’ve kind of welcomed it because I’m happier now than I’ve have been. I enjoy my job, I have an amazingly supportive family, great friends, and a wonderful church, and now Dan and I have been blessed with the most precious gift we could have ever imagined. There’s so much I’m proud of that I’ve done in my life, but I realize now that the true meaning of life has just begun.
Here are some pictures from the weekend. It was also Mimi’s (my mom) birthday as well. It was great having the family all together celebrating.
Brittain enjoyed a spend-the-night party with Mimi and Great Aunt Susan so Mommy and Daddy could have a night out:

Everyone enjoyed a great dinner at Carrabbas to celebrate the birthdays (Pappy’s treat!). It was Brittain’s first restaurant experience. We were fortunate to have so many people around who didn’t mind helping out.
Here, while drinking her bottle, Brittain decides what she will eat from the Carrabbas menu:

Kristen, Aunt Susan and Mimi smile for the camera as we wait to be seated:

Brittain is worn out after helping with the baking of the chocolate pound cake:

The end to an exciting weekend:

We continue to enjoy visitors coming to meet Brittain! Now that we’re more into a routine, we welcome anyone who would like to stop by.
Betsy Harris drops by to see how Brittain’s English skills are coming along:

Matt and Jenny Parker come by to practice baby holding. We are all looking forward to the arrival of their baby girl next month!:

Susan and Brandi Thornhill came bearing gifts! Thank you for the beautiful picture frame and sweet Willow Tree figurine. They look great in her nursery!:

Becca Goldstein took time out of her busy weekend with her family:

Payton Laffoday and Madison Rogers (Brittain’s future babysitters) stopped in to help Daddy with feeding duties:

Brittain and I made a much overdue trip to Macon to visit everyone at United Way (where I used to work). It was wonderful seeing everyone and Brittain especially enjoyed finally being able to put faces with all the names.
Judy Quinlan takes time out of her busy campaign schedule to begin the baby holding. Judy also made sure Brittain stays fashionable with a darling dress and winter coat. Thanks, Judy!

Tammie Collins joins us for a quick photo opportunity:

Michael Williams was next on the list to spend time with Baby Brittain. Brittain learns that she likes bald heads besides her Daddy’s:

Ashlee Gowder takes over feeding duties:

Melissa takes over to burp:

Brittain enjoyed being babysat by Tammie. Apparently, she learned a whole lot about typing emails with one hand and how to work while still holding a baby:

Janis Hall was full of tricks that made Brittain laugh. She figured out Janis was MUCH more interesting than her mommy :-):

Jackie Wilson, Cheryl Browning and Janis pose for a quick picture: