blogging about daily life from Griffin, Georgia

3rd birthday

Category: Personal | Comments (0) | Valerie @ August 25th, 2009   

You’re 3 years old. It seems like only yesterday that I sat down to write “A love letter to my pookie” last year on your 2nd birthday. The year has flown by, but you’ve changed and grown in ways that make me feel like far more time than that has passed.

I still call you “baby” (and always will), but you now occasionally come back with, “Mommy, I’m not a baby, I’m a big girl.” And while this becomes more and more apparent to me with each passing day, I know that when I look at you, I will always see that tiny baby that I held in my arms for the first time 3 years ago. Gosh, time is flying.

You completed your first year at preschool. Such a great year for you there. I was so worried that you wouldn’t like it and that I would have to drop you off each day with you crying and not wanting to stay (and that, of course, would lead to me crying the entire time you were there). You surprised me that you absolutely loved it and wanted to go every day! You thrived there. Your teachers told me that they were able to put you with any child in the class because you got along and played well with everyone. The sweetest thing to me was when a new child came to the class in the middle of the year. They said that you befriended him and that you were his “buddy”. He was your buddy as well. They said that every day at snack time he would always throw away your plate and cup for you. You took care of him, he took care of you. You’re so kind to others. That’s important to me. You realize it’s important, too.

I’ve found myself completely overreacting when it comes to trying to figure out what you need and what’s best for you. I spend long hours and expend far too much energy worrying about you. I just want to make sure you feel well-adjusted, and safe, and calm, and secure. Sometimes it’s hard for me to distinguish between you really not enjoying something or just being a little afraid to do something different. I hope I get better at this…

You’ve definitely become braver over the past year. I see you taking more chances with things, while still taking precautions (which I very much appreciate). We’ve spent a lot of time at the pool this summer and while I thought you would never even touch the water without having a death grip on me, one day you let go and you’re swimming like a fish! This is with Swimmies on, of course, but I still can’t help but be shocked when I see you get in the water by yourself and just take off. You’re still not a big fan of getting your head wet. But I can’t blame you. You’ve taken after me in that we can swim for an entire day and never once get our hair wet!

You have a big girl room! Daddy and I have been talking to you about the possibility of you having a baby brother or sister (No, I’m not pregnant yet!). When I was pregnant with you I was so exhausted that I could barely function. Because of that, I decided to do things different this time. I have completely finished your room before we even start trying for baby #2. You love your new room, but you haven’t completely switched over yet. We kept the nursery in-tact and moved you to the other guest room. You now play in both, and call the nursery “the clean room.”

I have to tell you that I’m quite a bit nervous about giving you a little brother or sister. I’m not nervous for you. I have no doubts that you are going to be the best big sister ever. You are definitely ready. The other day when we took you to meet your new preschool teacher she asked you if you had any brothers or sisters. Your response was quick and without a second thought. You said, “Not yet.”
But when it comes to me being ready, I’m just not sure I am. I just can’t imagine loving anything as much as I love you. I just can’t imagine producing something as perfect as you.

Brittain, you make my life worth living. When I think of happiness, I think of you. When I think of love, I think of you. Thank you for showing me what happiness and joy really is. Thank you for showing me what life is all about. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to be able to say that “yes, she’s my daughter.”

Happy birthday, baby. I can’t wait to celebrate many more with you.


You’re birthday was spent with some of your favorite people, and at one of your favorite places to be. Jumpy Castles! Because I wanted/needed some kind of theme for the cake, I ended up deciding on a western theme after invitations had been sent. I managed to get the message to just my family which is why you pretty much just see cowboy hats on some people rather than everyone.:

Gift opening is a bit overwhelming, so we saved some of the gifts to be opened after the party. The family came over to our house afterwards to finish things up:

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