blogging about daily life from Griffin, Georgia

last day of school (5.20.10)

Category: Personal | Comments (0) | Valerie @ July 6th, 2010   

Summers are so different than they used to be. I remember the last day of school when I was growing up. I felt freedom. Knowing that the afternoons wouldn’t be spent on homework. Knowing that I could stay up as late as I wanted and not have to wake up until noon the next day. When I attended the last day of school party for Brittain the feelings and thoughts about the summer were slightly different. I was excited about not having to go through the morning routine of getting her ready for preschool…and trying to be on time. The days where I would have to threaten that if she didn’t get dressed, she would never have another fun day as long as she lived were about to be over. The days I would have to send her to school with little fur coats on all of her teeth from the candy I ended up giving her to coax her into letting me brush her hair were about to be over. I’m just saying that the last day of school has new meaning for me. And, since I am writing this blog post WAY after the fact, I can go ahead and tell you that the summer is already turning out to be one of the best yet. Since Brittain is now out of school, I work 3 days a week and get to be home with her the other 2. So, we get to spend some days in our p.j’s. And the other days we spend soaking up the sun by the pool.

Anyway, here are some pics from that last day. I am so thankful for her second year at First Methodist Preschool. She loves it there. I love it there. She’s safe. She’s happy. I’m not sure that a parent could wish for anything more than that:

mother’s day (5.9.10)

Category: Personal | Comments (0) | Valerie @ July 6th, 2010   

mexico beach (4.29.10)

Category: Personal | Comments (0) | Valerie @ July 6th, 2010   

I can remember family trips to Myrtle Beach each year with the family. Pappy and Sally had a timeshare and each summer we would all take a week for a family vacation. I still remember them vividly, and one of the highlights was the time Cecilia and I got to spend with Pappy on the beach making sandcastles.

Since Pappy got the beach house there hasn’t been much opportunity for the entire family to get together there. We’ve all kind of gone in shifts and there hasn’t been a time where Brittain and I got to be there the same time as Pappy. But the week we went to Cecilia’s we decided to also plan a trip to Mexico Beach with Pappy and Aunt Susan for the end of the week. The most special part of the trip was Brittain getting the opportunity to build those special sandcastles with Pappy:

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